Learn how to:

Transform your piano skills 

to produce hit-worthy tracks

in your DAW! 

Transform your 

piano skills to 

produce hit-worthy tracks

in your DAW! 


Discover the 3 Step System designed to help producers & songwriters learn piano in just 90 days...


Get started by registering for the exclusive FREE piano workshop below!

Ready to take your music production to the next level?

Get training from a professional composer & piano coach who's worked with...

Do you spend hours clicking, copying and pasting notes in your DAW?

✔︎ Are your MIDI parts sounding fake or computerised with a lack of human emotion?

✔︎ Do you have trouble translating the ideas in your head into the DAW to get tracks started faster?

✔︎ Have you ever felt a lack of inspiration or creativity when producing music?

✔︎ Do you have a collection of unfinished track ideas gathering dust on your hard drive?

✔︎  Have you tried to learn music theory but struggled to apply it to your own tracks?

✔︎  Do you struggle to create memorable chord progressions & melodies that stand out?

✔︎  Do you have no interest in reading sheet music or being taught by old fashioned music tutors?

✔︎ Do you ever feel a lack of self confidence when writing music with other musicians?

You are not alone...

Producing music...(no matter how experienced you are) can be a very time consuming task! And let's face it...You've already tried LOTS of things to help you get into your creative zone faster ...

You've tried the latest studio gear & equipment, spending your hard earned cash on the latest new toys...

✔︎  Plug-Ins/ VST Instruments

✔︎  MIDI Keyboards/Controllers

✔︎  Sample Packs

✔︎  MIDI Packs

✔︎  Loops

✔︎  Monitor Speakers

✔︎  Headphones

✔︎  Session Musicians

But no matter what you try...You're still left with this frustrating feeling...That your music is just staying at exactly the same level as before, with very little results to show for it!

And if you're anything like other serious producers, songwriters, composers & beat-makers...You've often thought..

"Wouldn't it be so much easier to produce music if I was able to play the piano!"

Access FREE Workshop

Well you'd be right! With elevated piano skills, producing music becomes a much more organic process...It's like you now have a translator for the ideas in your head...


So rather than clicking around for hours in your DAW, feeling frustrated...You can...

Effortlessly record parts in on the fly with your MIDI keyboard...All within a matter of minutes, unleashing your creativity in the DAW and finishing tracks much faster...
Quickly get into your creative zone and stay there...As you instantly enhance the emotion of your music with hit-worthy chord progressions & melodies that stand out!
Consistently finish tracks to a professional level that stand up against major artists, producers & composers...You can create music that is memorable...That really moves people.
Transform your inner confidence & writing chemistry with other artists/musicians, so you can be the creative goto person in the room & allow sessions to run much smoother!

Ready to take your music production to the next level, so you can gain the recognition that you deserve?



The innovative 3 step piano system designed to simplify the whole process of learning piano for music producers & songwriters in just 90 days...Without learning sheet music, complex music theory or having to waste 10+ years learning classical methods.

 Check out the official launch trailer below...



Fast Track Keys has helped producers & songwriters all around the world to transform the way they make music in the DAW...

 It's a unique approach that bypasses traditional methods & simplifies the entire process of learning the piano into 3 steps...  

With this brand new system, you can...


Eliminate years of learning traditional classical methods, sheet music, complex music theory & boring exercises that feel like a chore to practice...You can strategically avoid things here that simply don't serve you in the DAW...


Accelerate specific core skillsets on the piano that will help you to elevate your improvisation & production skills...So you can effortlessly write music on the fly & use the same piano tricks being used by major artists, producers & composers!


Generate unlimited ideas at the piano & then effortlessly transfer them into your DAW, alls whilst staying true to the genre of music that you produce...Get your tracks to the finish line much faster with a new streamlined workflow!

Imagine having the creative skillset to just sit down in your studio, & create something out of thin air...

All the ideas flooding to you in a musical language you understand & can express to the absolute max in your DAW...



With Fast Track Keys, any serious producer or songwriter (no matter how experienced), can level up their piano skills & elevate their creativity in writing sessions...

All without ever having to take traditional piano lessons from a tutor who doesn't understand your goals. Or getting frustrated with trying to learn using YouTube or the latest piano apps...

To truly accelerate your piano skills for music production...You need personalised feedback from a piano coach who is also a highly experienced music producer. Somebody who completely understands your goals as they create music professionally themselves.

Meet Michael Emmerson

Michael is an award winning composer & piano coach who has produced music for some of the biggest companies in the world!

From major music publishers like BMG, to hit movie trailers such as Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker, Jurassic World and many more..

Michael is a vastly experienced composer & is the founder of Fast Track Keys.... The piano method designed to help producers & songwriters to accelerate their piano skills in just 90 days.

Michael has worked with thousands of students, from beginners, to up and coming songwriters, all the way to seasoned music industry professionals.

"I help music producers & songwriters to transform their piano skills in just 90 days"

Michael's recent credits and custom work: 

What producers & songwriters are saying...

“If making music is your thing, Fast Track Keys is the place to go. I have refined my production skills with Michael! And having enhanced keyboard skills really helps the creative decisions in making great music.”

Charlie Wright - Music producer

“If you’re seriously invested in elevating your production skills, or if you find the keyboard more constraining than enabling, I cannot recommend Fast Track Keys enough. Just a few lessons in, and I’ve already experienced breakthroughs in my improvisational abilities. 

I know that I've just shaved years of stumbling around from working with Michael. I'm already a better musician and even keyboard player!"

Alejandro Guillamon - Songwriter

“Since I started with Fast Track Keys, I can confidently say my understanding of music creation has improved considerably. Allowing me to play by ear, improvise and create music with ease!”

Thomas Harvey - Musician

Michael your music production is amazing! Plus, great tips and tricks too! Keep ‘em coming!

Peter Tomlinson - Music Composer for Really Slow Motion


The 3 Step System To Transform Your Piano Skills & Produce Hit-Worthy Tracks In Free-Flow With Your MIDI Keyboard!

Ready to take your music production to the next level?