With Keyboard Skills....Anything Is Possible

I've got something a bit special for you this week...

LOT of music makers overlook just how important keyboard skills are for enhancing your creativity in the DAW!

And although VST-plug ins and the latest software will certainly help to a degree, they are not going to fix your MIDI parts from sounding basic, and computerised.


In this week's video I wanted to inspire you my friend...

I want to show you what is possible!

You see...With enhanced keyboard skills, literally anything is possible inside the DAW! 

And one of the best parts is that it unlocks the ability to produce in multiple genres, all in free flow....

without ever having to read sheet music or learn complex theory....

So that's why this week I've gone full on CINEMATIC!

I've reproduced Hans Zimmer's famous Interstellar main theme,

so you can see that....

It's actually having the ability to just sit down and produce in free flow using your MIDI keyboard which is THE thing that is going make your music stand out, brimming with human emotion and dynamic playing!

And you certainly don't need to be a concert piano player to get good fast!

You just need to know what to ELIMINATE (the things you don't need to learn)

Plus, which skills you need to ACCELERATE, specifically for music production!

Look forward to sharing more on this next week!


Hope you enjoy!


Fast Track Keys